Thursday, November 28, 2019

As a director of Act 1, scene 5, how would I convey the dramatic tension through Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

As a director of Act 1, scene 5, how would I convey the dramatic tension through Romeo and Juliet? Essay Romeo and Juliet is certainly one of Shakespeares most loved pieces and throughout it, he conveys the deepest emotions which seem to touch our innermost feelings. The fighting between the Capulet and Montague families, both alike in dignity, appears to bring us into the war- struck world of Verona. We are driven through a powerful journey through Shakespeares words of wisdom and certainly bring out our intimate sensations, all in only two hours of theatre. Romeo and Juliet is a fearful passage of their death- marked love and throughout the course of the play, we are taken through an emotional journey into the minds of the star- crossed lovers, bringing out examples of dramatic tension into context. The heart- breaking tour into the mentality of the two young hearts causes even the strongest of people to shed a tear. However, sometimes the re-enactments of such scenes as Act 1; scene 5, fail to capture the contrast and without doubt, the dramatic tension is not conveyed in the way nee ded to connect with our emotions. Taking the part of the director, I have decided on a few dramatic techniques needed to make Romeo and Juliet as moving as possible for a modern audiences viewing. Throughout the course of Romeo and Juliet, a variety of imagery and context is used to portray feelings of the characters as well as their attitudes. For example, at the beginning of act 1: scene 5, at the Capulet ball, Romeo first notices Juliet from the other side of the room. In my performance, at this point in the play, I would have them on opposite sides of the room, to signify how they are so close yet so far from being together. Also, I would have a strong light on Romeo to show his importance whereas a soft light on Juliet would illustrate her gentle nature. I would also signify the dark and light that is referred to throughout this scene by making Romeo wear and black suit and Juliet to wear a white dress. At this point in the play, the atmosphere would be quite calm, with quite slow dialogue because Romeo is falling in love at first sight. For a Shakespearean audience, this would be more significant than a modern audience because social attitudes have changed and in those d ays, love at first sight was seen as a very controversial issue. So, when Romeo uses imagery to describe the beauty of Juliet, the effect is more poignant for a modern audience whereas a Shakespearean audience would be astonished. We will write a custom essay sample on As a director of Act 1, scene 5, how would I convey the dramatic tension through Romeo and Juliet? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on As a director of Act 1, scene 5, how would I convey the dramatic tension through Romeo and Juliet? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on As a director of Act 1, scene 5, how would I convey the dramatic tension through Romeo and Juliet? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is the beginning of act 1, scene 5 that Romeo sees Juliet and he uses a selection of deep, intimate and poetic language to signify Juliets beauty. For example, Romeo refers a lot to images of light and dark; he says O she doth teaches the torches to burn bright! In my opinion, this means that Romeo is seeing Juliet as a light in his dark life. This is because at this time, Romeo is still supposedly in love with a girl called Rosaline (act 1; scene 1), and with his feelings of rejection, he sees his life in a narrow- minded fashion, in darkness. In effect, when Romeo sees Juliet, he feels light in his life again and falls straight in love with her. Romeo also refers to Juliet as a snowy dove trooping with crows. Also, through imagery, Romeo uses examples of texts that put him down and consequently make Juliet seem even more gracious. For example, he says touching her make blessed my rude hand. This means that Romeo thinks that compared to Juliet, he is so undignified that even so m uch as touching her, would make him refined again. The audience would now see Juliet as a pure, beautiful lady; portrayed by her white clothing and soft lighting and Romeo as someone who is actually infatuated and maybe a bit overwhelmed because he is making speeches that in some ways, are so deep that we begin to wander how he has come up with them so quickly. Throughout the scene, Shakespeare uses iambic pentameter and rhyming couplet. For example, Romeo quotes did my heart love till now, for swear it sight! I neer saw true beauty till this night. Here Romeo is questioning his sight to whether or not they are seeing right as before he thought he was in love with Rosaline but now, he feels even stronger feelings towards Juliet. Shakespeare uses rhyming couplets in this scene to symbolize the love that is flourishing between Romeo and Juliet. Romeo would be presented as quite vulnerable because hes so young and at that age, its typical of such a young man doing such things. However, a Shakespearean audience would not see it in this way because they didnt tend to take into account that age would affect someones actions, so they consequently would see Romeo as quite a rebellious. In the next part of the scene, Tybalt enters with Capulet. At this point in the play, Tybalt is extremely irritated because he has just seen Romeo (Montague) at the party and when he notices this, he realises the extent and humiliation he would face when people realise that a Montague has entered a Capulets residence. I think that there are therefore, two interpretations for why exactly Tybalt was livid. Firstly, he would be mortified with the fact that a Montague penetrated into the house of Capulet in the first place. Also, I think in a way, he may have thought that Capulet allowed such a thing to occur and invited the Montague to his house. In this case, he would be absolutely furious and therefore be shouting such abuse as he was; like villain Romeo. And our foe. These are in modern time, very mild abuse expressions however, in Shakespeares time such language was thought of as appalling and certainly only used in such desperate measures as this. In this scene, I would direct Tybalt to be exceptionally enraged; possibly throwing his arms from one place to another a few times, near the end when he becomes more forceful. For example, when he says why, uncle, tis a shame! hes trying to tell his uncle, Capulet, that it is such an awful thing that has happened, I would also have Tybalt speaking in a thunderous, livid voice that would echo through the theatre, to show how infuriated Tybalt actually was. For example, I think it would be very effective when Tybalt says fetch me my rapier boy! that he speaks in a forceful manner because at this point in time, he would be very authoritative and at the peak of his anger. Also, in my opinion, at this particular point of speech, Tybalt is supposed to come across as very influential, because hes asking a servant to bring him his sword; as if he has the status in the relationship and should be obeyed. However, as Capulet enters, I think it would be quite effective to make him lower his tone of voice slightly, as he realises the difference in status. At this point in the play, the lighting would start of as a strong light on Tybalt and a soft lighting on Romeo in the background. However, I think as Capulet enters, there would be two strong lights on each of the characters to show both of their power and through this lighting, the audience will realise both of the arguments that are portrayed are authoritative and both of them are coming from relatively upper class people. I also think that at this point in the scene, the staging would mean that at the front of the stage would be the dialogue between Tybalt and Capulet and in the background the audience would see Romeo, gazing at Juliet. I think that this effect would be beneficial for the scene as the audience see the contrast between the arguments at the front with the tender scene at the back. Showing that even though Tybalt is talking about Romeo to be a slave, coming to scorn at their solemnity, the evidence from the back of the theatre shows Romeo to be quite gentle and vuln erable because following a girl round is quite, in modern times an immature action to do. In this scene, with the dialogue, I would choose to emphasize slave, foe and villain. I would also choose to accentuate the speech when Tybalt says scorn at our solemnity and makes my flesh tremble because, in my opinion, these lines certainly portray the accurate amount of resentment that Tybalt is feeling at this point in time. Also when Tybalt says scorn at our solemnity he would look disgusted because it shows more aggression and the act that he looks disgusted shows how angry he is with the fact a Capulet is in his house as it is alliteration in a sound which sounds almost malevolent or evil. This section, in context to the scene as a whole sets the atmosphere of anger and brings out the first glances of the antagonism that the characters are feeling at this point in time. It also begins the trail of tension between the characters and the dramatic tension begins to take a lead part in the act. For example, the argument between Capulet and Tybalt begins a string of affairs which lead to death, painful experiences and also the declaration of love because as they argue; Romeo approaches Juliet and they first kiss; in the next part of the scene. From the part of the great argument between Capulet and Tybalt to the meeting of Romeo and Juliet is probably one of the biggest changes of ambience in the whole of Romeo and Juliet. The change shows the difference between two immensely powerful scenes which both have impact on the outcome of the play. From a intense scene of arguments beforehand, the atmosphere of the meeting of Romeo and Juliet is very romantic and in my opinion, where before I would have loud, vigorous tone of voices, in this scene I would have very soft talking voices, in a slow manner; to symbolize the love which is created between the young hearts. For example, at the beginning of this meeting, Romeo starts off by saying if I profane with my unworthiest hand this shrine, the gentle fine is this, my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth with a tender kiss. I would have Romeo approach Juliet from behind, as if by surprise to entice her and to extend the theme of masks and disguise. Another main part that I would have in a slow speech would be just before the first kiss; Then move not, while my prayers effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged. Before this part of the speech Romeo and Juliet refer to their love as a sin and the kiss would be the biggest sin of all. Especially in a Shakespearean audiences company because such revelations would be considered a huge surprise. However, for a modern time audience, this would not seem as wrong as it did in history since attitudes have changed towards these ideas. To direct my scene, I think I would need to consider both audiences and thats why I think that I would have them touch lips softly first, then back off before coming back together again as they are young therefore for a modern audience, their vulnerability would be illustrated here. This part of act 1 scene 5, is written as part of a sonnet. A sonnet is normally a love poem and therefore the reason for Shakespeares writing it in a poetic fashion of a sonnet is because I think he wanted to capture the love themes described. Also, I think Shakespeare wrote this in a sonnet way because it is a love scene and the fact it was written in a sonnet gives him a chance to explore ways to link the lovers through their speech For example, Romeo says Have not saints lips and holy palmers too? Then Juliet replies Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. At this point in the play Romeo and Juliet are trying to convince themselves that there is nothing wrong with kissing because they are virtually worshipping. For a Shakespearean audience, the constant religious imagery is very relevant because at the time, there would be religious people in the audience who could relate to this description. For my performance, to make it more authentic that the youngsters had fallen in love so quickly, I would start by Romeo and Juliet both looking for a long time into each others eyes, when they finally meet, because they are both probably not used to such confrontation and therefore would be quite nervous that it happened to them. I would also, as they speak to each other, keep them looking into each others eyes until the kiss, when they both, look at the connection of their hands, as they talk about the pilgrims prayers. To show their feelings for each other, I think they would start by linking hands, as prayers, while they say Saints do not move though grant for prayers sake and then move not, while my prayers effect I take.. these stages are leading up to the kiss and throughout them, they are getting closer and closer until they are finally touching; no longer by hands but by lips. I think that when Romeo is talking, he should try touching Juliets hair to show how much hes infatua ted with her. As Romeo and Juliet kiss, the nurse walks in. Once more, the atmosphere changes and the dramatic tensions are also quite high. This is because the nurse would be astounded to have found the two kissing. At this point, before the nurse walks in, I would have dimmed lights on the kiss to symbolize the intensity. These dimmed lights would also bring the audience to be more engaged because they are concentrating on one part on stage. I would create dramatic tension in this part of the scene by having soft music playing throughout it however, when the nurse walks in on the kiss, the music would stop. In this scene, Romeo and Juliet find out each of them is from the opposite family. Here the dramatic tension is extremely high and both characters appear to be more emotional because of this. To show how hurt they are by the news, I would have them both walk off and talk to themselves for the next line. For example, when Juliet says my only love, sprung from my only hate, she would wake slightly away from the nurse. It is very serious that each f them is from the family rival because there is an extra problem. For example, as well as worrying about what her family is going to say about her kissing someone without their permission, she has to worry about the fact that hes what the family hate. It is significant that it is the nurse who reveals to each of them the news because, shes merely a worker for the Capulet household so isnt obliged to tell the truth. Through Romeo and Juliet meeting and finding out the true identities of each other, this can lead to more fighting between the fa milies and also, as a result, more family members dying. When Juliet speaks, she signifies the true severity of the situation by some of what she says. For example, when she says my grave is like to be my wedding bed, this means that she believes she is going to die before she is married. Also, I think in my performance I will have the nurse emphasize words like the son of your only enemy! this would create a harsh tension of the scene as the truth hits Juliet as it isshe has fallen in love with who she is expected to hate, a Montague. Overall, act 1, scene 5 is a significant and important scene because it is the pivotal point of the play and from then on, everything changes. For example, in act 1, scene 5 Romeo and Juliet find out each of their identities and the problem is born between the two family grudges being linked by love. Also, the themes of love and war are contrasted greatly as we are taken from different parts, another theme approaches. Also, in act 1; scene 5, a lot happens. As well as the first meeting and kiss of Romeo and Juliet, also there is the revelation to each o them about the family name. In act 1; scene 5, there is also a lot of dramatic irony which is used to connect the audience to the play and seem like they have an important part to play in the surprise because they knew beforehand. I think that these ideas of love and war could be portrayed to a modern time audience by using a racial theme running through because at this day and age, there is a lot of discrimination between racial groups. For example, in this scene love and hate collide. I would re-enforce this by having a stop of music as well as a lot of lighting to help pick out the key- parts of the scene To a modern audience, I think they would feel more emotion if they heard music whereas in a Shakespearean audiences viewing they would find the idea of volume control in voices more emotional as they didnt have special effects to look like they were crying or lighting and sound to portray emotions.

Monday, November 25, 2019

ocean water essays

ocean water essays 1. Introduction to open water waste disposal. 2. Introduction of oil into marine environments. 3. Introduction of plastics/pollutants into marine environments. 4. Possible solutions to waste disposal into our water systems. The oceans and the life they sustain have had enough. They can no longer endure the unwanted pollution of careless, inconsiderate people worldwide. The societies of this world need to wake up, and not only listen to, but understand that it is time to find better ways of dealing with wastes, rather than nonchalantly dumping it into our oceans. For decades people in societies worldwide have taken advantage of the Earth=s waters simply by dumping whatever they do not want into them. Apparently our time of easy disposal has run out, the oceans and the life within our showing distinct signs of poor health. The continuous dumping (or traditional dumping) of industrial wastes as well as sewage and garbage into the oceans is beginning to show definite signs of pollution caused stress. The National Research Council recently published information stating that human intervention has begun to take its toll on the marine environment. The ecological balance of oceans worldwide are at a dan gerously unstable state, the effects of man-made pollutants introduced into the waters and seas are having severe consequences upon the marine life living there. There is much that needs to be accomplished before scientists can fully understand how bad our oceans and seas really are. Even more importantly, is the fact that environmental action must be taken now to reduce the oceans growing plight. Arguably the most contributing polluters to our oceans are the major industries of the world. Industrial ocean pollution has incorporated a wide variety of polluters, ranging from major oil spills dispersing toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons (the resultant of the breakdown of petroleum) to PCB=s (polychlorinated biphenyls) as well as D...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Solve the questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Solve the questions - Assignment Example 2) The user is a critical part of phishing prevention. What are two elements that might give away an attempt to pose as a financial site? One of the two elements is when a user does not use the â€Å"HTTPS† in the URL. This means that the website is not secured. Another way that the website may deemed as fake is when the URL changes. Many phishing scammers attempt to conduct this attack by pasting their customized URL, which may have different ending such as .net. In order to take a preventive action against this type of attack, it is crucial to write the URL on the menu bar as it removes any discrepancy. Another element that it very vital is that the URL might ask for you to upgrade the software. However, this is a deception itself as it tries to run a .exe file. In any notification of running a .exe, this might be a clear example of a fake website. 3) A browser can warn a user of a homeograph attack with a visual cue. Give an example describing a method that still allows the user to browse to a Chinese or Arabic site. Well, this case may be different. Arabic website utilizes right to left text so it may be clear that it’s a homographic attack. However, taking a case of Spanish website versus an American website, the discrepancy is harder to resolve. 4) Based on the reading in the book an attacker (most of the time) must learn about the database in order to attack with SQL injection. How can information be gathered without insider knowledge? SQL injection is a technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application. SQL although is a very useful language, can be very vulnerable against security. By conducting ad hoc queries, such as using a wildcard(*) symbol, hackers can obtain vital SSN or credit card numbers. Even if they acquire certain information, they have programs that can execute queries to utilize many permutations of a function to acquire the right combination of information. 5) Why isnâ€℠¢t input validation always done if it can mitigate the #1 cyber attack vector? Whose â€Å"job† is it? The problem with input validation is the fact that it can be utilized to conduct cyber attacks. Input validation are result of bad programming errors To execute a buffer overflow attack, you merely dump as much data as possible into an input field. The attack is said to be successful when it returns an application error. Cross-site scripting attacks place malicious code, usually JavaScript, in locations where other users see it. Target fields in forms can be addresses, bulletin board comments, etc. 1) Why is DNS considered one of the â€Å"pillar† application layer protocols? DNS is a pillar because all applications depend on DNS to provide authenticated binding between a name and the IP address. DNS also binds a name to unauthenticated IP addresss. Without DNS, SSL and TLS are not established and address authentication services verify the security sessions after the DNS connection. Without DNS< the foundation of networking is not solidified. 2) Briefly describe the process for a DNS query. The first step in a DNS query process is that it requests information. Once the process has begun, the computers searches the local DNS cache to look for the address. If the address is not found, it performs a DNS query. Secondly, it asks the recursive DNS servers to contact ISP’s recursive DNS servers. Since Recursive servers have their own caches, and the information is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Supply chain management - Essay Example Big companies, for instance multinationals, normally have corporate purchasing departments and also local purchasing departments (Maskell 2003, p. 67). This implies that, at the HQs, they have a purchasing department, which directs the entire regulation to the local departments. Normally, the purchasing functions are just duplicated at every department meaning that there is a waste of resources. Some vendors, at times, even send incorrect information mistakenly because of the long flow of information from the headquarter to them. This incorrect information can also negatively affect the HQ as that make decisions based on incorrect information as it gets to them (Schonberger 2010, p. 51). What an organisation can do about this is reduce the number of levels that information takes to reach the local departments that deal one on one with the client. Like the way multinational organisations such as McDonalds have done (Schonberger 2010, p. 55). This can be done through incorporating tech nology which top decision makers can use to communicate with the locals instead of having other departments in the middle. These new technology can assist the organisation in its procurement process, for instance, technology that allows internet based buying will allow the top managers to deal straight with the client. Lean management gained recognition in the manufacturing field because this is where vital enhancement can easily be achieved. The processes of manufacturing can be enhanced to significantly decrease waste and resources whereas supporting operational performance (MacInnes 2002, p. 25). Quality is a vital element of lean manufacturing. Having absolutely zero defects in the manufacturing process decreases waste and increases efficiency in the firm all together (MacInnes 2002, p. 25). With many clients not complaining about the goods, this will be a way of building

Monday, November 18, 2019

Security Risk Assessment and Audit into the connection of the internal Essay

Security Risk Assessment and Audit into the connection of the internal network with the Internet - Essay Example Information confidentiality is maintained by preventing unauthorized persons from accessing vital system information. Integrity handles an aspect that prevents that information from being manipulated by other external sources. Data should also be available for use when required by the relevant parties and not hoarded by other system resources. It is thus fundamental to protect these aspects of data in order to ensure that information within an organization is secure. In order to ensure appropriate security management of information within an organization, it is vital that the mission statement and the charter be defined for reference. The mission statement outlines the overall goals that the information security program within the organization seeks to achieve and provides guidelines necessary for strategic direction. The charter, on the other hand, avails provisions for the specific rights and privileges granted to the security team members from the organization. 1.2 Justification f or use of a security metrics program A security management program cannot be complete without the use of security metrics (Dexter, 2002). These are used to show the changing maturity of an information security program over time. The combination of metrics and reporting tools can be used to display the results and outcomes of past investments in information security and guide decisions for future information systems. 2.0 IT Security Management It security risk management is considered a series of steps that are undertaken to ensure the safety of information within an organization. It is a continuous process that begins from the process of assessment right down to implementation. And even after implementation, the process loops back to assessment because risks to information networks are diverse and constantly change necessitating the iterative process (Sennewald, 2011). This process is detailed below: Figure 1: An iterative process to IT security Management Risk assessment is the ini tial step that involves the identification of potential threats to the information networks ((Boyce & Jennings, 2002). Based on the results of this assessment, an appropriate policy is developed to maintain a secure protection framework. This includes the development of security guidelines, assigning security responsibilities to members of staff and implementing total technical security protections. Once this has been achieved, a series of compliance reviews and re-assessment activities are conducted to provide assurance that the security controls have been properly implemented. This information is collected through a process of periodic audits on the system (Purser, 2004). 3.0 Differences between a Security Risk Assessment and Security Audit 3.1 Security Risk Assessment This is conducted at the beginning of the process of security management to identify areas of change. It is often referred to as the baseline study that will be used to depict the amount of change that the organizat ion has gone through since the last assessment (Snedaker & McCrie, 2011). It includes an analysis of all the assets and processes that relate to the system. It also identifies all the threats that could affect

Friday, November 15, 2019

Anti-Spam and Anti-Malware Protection in Exchange 2013

Anti-Spam and Anti-Malware Protection in Exchange 2013 Siddiq Mohammed Siddiq Aburuzayzah Abstract : This article show what are anti spam and anti malware not been changed sins version   2007 ,   2010 and 2013 Introduction : The Exchange 2003 built in Open Relay Filter or Real time Black hole List capabilities and DNS Blacklist And supplemented later Microsoft Exchange smart Message Filter ( IMF ) And to provide Protection of the highest and most powerful anti-spam It used smart screen technology from Microsoft and for this reason he became in 2004 ( IMF )   part from Exchange 2003 in SP2 . With Exchange 2007 and 2010 was able to Microsoft Corp . to develop and improve the exchange of capabilities to fight spam by providing connection filtering , attachment filtering, sender ID,   content filtering , And other features like   sender reputation and IP allow / block lists from out the box , on server edge   or edge server . Also on transport hup server could enabled All these features , With the exceptions of attachment filtering and connection Which means that most start-ups and small organizations do not have the capacity and the means or sufficient volume of e-mail To justify the cost of installation and maintenance of complete network with edge transport hup , and can almost take advantage of the full capabilities of the anti-spam Although it has been providing good protection level and for some reason was never in built anti malware protection . Usually supplemented Features by using third-party software or appliance , or Microsofts own software and anti malware also anti pam . Anti-Spam in Exchange 2013 : Exchange 2013 offers classes ways to curb Anti spam , And also provides filtering   anti spam Through the use of transport agents With built-in transport agents to anti   spam , Without adding any changes in the exchange in 2013 . Anti-Spam Mailbox Agents : When it is not the organization some kind of third party anti-spam or server transport agents Anti spam agents usually enabled on mailbox servers filtering appliance . Enabling Anti-Spam : The following factors anti spam in exchange 2013 It is not installed by default, but are available in the transport service on the Mailbox server , According to Anti-Spam and Anti-Malware (2013) : Content Filter agent Sender ID agent Sender Filter agent Recipient Filter agent Protocol Analysis agent for sender reputation Some organizations have usually proven anti-spam agents in the transport service on the mailbox When all mail accepted without spam filtering , Until that there is exchange of works on messages before they reach your inbox , such as ( the exchange of 2010 ) , Inbox recognize the agents anti-spam X-headers   And which added from   exchange   , Some messages that contain the X-headers Pass without examination . Example : Exchange Online Protection Anti-Spam VS   Exchange 2013 : It is typically used in the exchange of three ways Although he is capable of providing excellent features or capabilities to anti spam and ease of administration Where organizations can buy EOP from Microsoft where they help to protect the mail from intrusion and malicious software : Provide protection for the exchange in the work environment .   Ã‚   Since the Microsoft Exchange portion of the Internet with EOP Cloud hosted online exchange . With the deployment of the hybrid with EOP Messages protect the environment and governed and mail routing There is a mix of cloud and cans workplace . The benefits of using EOP versus Exchange 2013 : Easy configuration Excellent connection filtering Excellent content filtering Conclusion: In conclusion, the fight against spam in the exchange in 2013 did not solve   any real practical changes sins Exchange   2007 and Exchange 2010 until this day   .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Macbeth a Victim of Choice not Fate :: essays research papers

The three witches told Macbeth of his fate. Did the events in Macbeth?s life occur because of the witches? prophesy or was it because of the choices he made? Could there possibly be some of both? What caused Macbeth to fall? Was it his fate or his free will? To begin, we look at the first prediction of the witches. They call him by the names of ?Thane of Glamis?, which he already is, ?Thane of Cawdor? (a title he does not know he has been given), and "King hereafter." As a result, the first two things the witches tell him aren?t prophesies because they have already happened. Look at the third and most important prophecy. The witches tell Macbeth that he will become ?King Hereafter?, there?s knowledge that this actually happened. ?If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me.? (1 3) Did it happen because of fate or did Macbeth make it happen? The witches tempted Macbeth to kill the King, however, it was his own ambition that led him to do that terrible thing. Macbeth, even though he was uneasy, he chose to kill King Duncan and ascend to the throne of Scotland. ?Nothing is but what is not.? (1 3) Look at the second set of prophesies. The witches tell Macbeth to beware of Macduff. They tell him that "no one born of a woman shall harm Macbeth." The witches are being sneaky here to give Macbeth the illusion that he cannot be harmed. Macduff eventually kills Macduff. Does Macduff, who is not born of woman, (his mother passed before he was born) kill Macbeth because of fate? Maybe he does but why does Macduff want to kill Macbeth anyway? Macbeth killed the king and took the throne, so there is an apparent reason that it was Macbeth?s choice. Finally, the witches tell him that he will not fall until ?Birnam Woods meets Dunsinane Hill.? Well, Birnam Wood meets Dunsinane Hill and Macbeth is defeated. This again is partially Macbeth?s fault. If he hadn?t killed the King, Malcolm?s forces would never have attacked him and made the prophesy true.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Araby Symbols

Joyce introduces astonishing symbols in the short story Araby. Some of the symbols we talked about in the class were religion, dark, blind and other more. Specifically, Joyce expanded on symbolic imageries to set a particular scene in The North Richmond Street. With attention to, the priest became the symbol for the unknown narrator in the story. The narrator is currently residing in the dead priest’s house. According to James Joyce in Araby, â€Å"Air, musty from having been long enclosed, hung in all the rooms, and the waste room behind the kitchen was littered with old useless papers. The narrator is exploring the house while thinking about his friend’s sister. Singularly, the room is very old and definitely doesn’t smell good. It smells like a prison. It’s almost like a prisoner was trapped in jail and had died there. Correspondingly, the religion was criticized, looked upon like a jail, and a negative factor. In addition, the priest was a kind person from inside because he had donated his house, money, and furniture to his sister. For the time being, the narrator is eradicating in the room and he finds books. The following books are about religion and exploration. The priest was a innovative person. On the other hand, the priest had died just like his rusty bicycle-pump in the garage. In any case, the majority of the people are compared to the town because all of the kind people were gone. In the long run, a question comes to mind, how can Dublin become a better city? All of the good people are gone. To sum it up, the priest was represented the essential past. Furthermore, on the facade of the story another symbol is light. According to Joyce in Araby, â€Å"When were returned to the street, light from the kitchen windows had filled the areas. By definition light is something that makes things visible. Light is the ultimate hope and savior from the dark. Above all, the story continues and light is illustrated more often. â€Å"Some distant lamp or lightened window gleamed over me. †The symbol darkness was described often in the story too. The dark and blind street is the symbol of Ireland. Exclusive of, immediately the light takes the position of the country’s brighter future. Nevertheless, the light came from the kitchen window. Therefore, Joyce signifies gloomy future for his country.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Overview of the First Battle of Panipat

Overview of the First Battle of Panipat Trumpeting, their eyes wide with panic, the elephants turned back and charged into their own troops, crushing scores of men underfoot. Their opponents had brought a terrifying new technology to bear, something the elephants likely had never heard before Background to the First Battle of Panipat Indias invader, Babur, was the scion of the great Central Asian conqueror-families; his father was a descendant of Timur, while his mothers family traced its roots back to Genghis Khan. His father died in 1494, and the 11-year-old Babur became the ruler of Farghana (Fergana), in what is now the border area between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. However, his uncles and cousins fought Babur for the throne, forcing him to abdicate twice. Unable to hold on to Farghana or take Samarkand, the young prince gave up on the family seat, turning south to capture Kabul instead in 1504. Babur was not satisfied for long with ruling over Kabul and the surrounding districts alone, however. Throughout the early sixteenth century, he made several incursions northward into his ancestral lands but never was able to hold them for long. Discouraged, by 1521, he had set his sights on lands further to the south instead: Hindustan (India), which was under the rule of the Delhi Sultanate and Sultan Ibrahim Lodi. The Lodi dynasty was actually the fifth and final of the Delhi Sultanates ruling families during the late medieval period. The Lodi family were ethnic Pashtuns who took control over a large section of northern India in 1451, reunifying the area after Timurs devastating invasion in 1398. Ibrahim Lodi was a weak and tyrannical ruler, disliked by the nobility and commoners alike. In fact, the noble families of the Delhi Sultanate despised him to such a degree that they actually invited Babur to invade! The Lodi ruler would have trouble preventing his troops from defecting to Baburs side during the fighting, as well. Battle Forces and Tactics Baburs Mughal forces consisted of between 13,000 and 15,000 men, mostly horse cavalry. His secret weapon was 20 to 24 pieces of field artillery, a relatively recent innovation in warfare. Arrayed against the Mughals were Ibrahim Lodis 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers, plus tens of thousands of camp followers. Lodis primary weapon of shock and awe was his troop of war elephants, numbering anywhere from 100 to 1,000 trained and battle-hardened pachyderms, according to different sources. Ibrahim Lodi was no tactician; his army simply marched out in a disorganized block, relying on sheer numbers and the aforementioned elephants to overwhelm the enemy. Babur, however, employed two tactics unfamiliar to Lodi, which turned the tide of the battle. The first was tulughma, dividing a smaller force into forward left, rear left, forward right, rear right, and center divisions. The highly mobile right and left divisions peeled out and surrounded the larger enemy force, driving them towards the center. At the center, Babur arrayed his cannons. The second tactical innovation was Baburs use of carts, called araba. His artillery forces were shielded behind a row of carts which were tied together with leather ropes, to prevent the enemy from getting between them and attacking the artillerymen. This tactic was borrowed from the Ottoman Turks. The Battle of Panipat After conquering the Punjab region (which today is divided between northern India and Pakistan), Babur drove on toward Delhi. Early on the morning of April 21, 1526, his army met the Delhi sultans at Panipat, now in Haryana State, about 90 kilometers north of Delhi. Using his tulughma formation, Babur trapped the Lodi army in a pincer motion. He then used his cannons to great effect; the Delhi war elephants had never heard such a loud and terrible noise, and the spooked animals turned around and ran through their own lines, crushing Lodis soldiers as they ran. Despite these advantages, the battle was a close contest given the Delhi Sultanates overwhelming numerical superiority. As the bloody encounter dragged on toward midday, however, more and more of Lodis soldiers defected to Baburs side. Finally, the tyrannical sultan of Delhi was abandoned by his surviving officers  and left to die on the battlefield from his wounds. The Mughal upstart from Kabul had prevailed. The Aftermath of the Battle According to the Baburnama, Emperor Baburs autobiography, the Mughals killed 15,000 to 16,000 of the Delhi soldiers. Other local accounts put the total losses at closer to 40,000 or 50,000. Of Baburs own troops, some 4,000 were killed in the battle. There is no record of the elephants fate. The First Battle of Panipat is a crucial turning point in the history of India. Although it would take time for Babur and his successors to consolidate control over the country, the defeat of the Delhi Sultanate was a major step towards the establishment of the Mughal Empire, which would rule India until it was defeated in turn by the British Raj in 1868. The Mughal path to the empire was not smooth. Indeed, Baburs son Humayan lost the entire kingdom during his reign  but was able to regain some territory before his death. The empire was truly solidified by Baburs grandson, Akbar the Great; later successors included the ruthless Aurangzeb and Shah Jahan, the creator of the Taj Mahal. Sources Babur, Emperor of Hindustan, trans. Wheeler M. Thackston. The Baburnama: Memoirs of Babur, Prince, and Emperor, New York: Random House, 2002.Davis, Paul K. 100 Decisive Battles: From Ancient Times to the Present, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.Roy, Kaushik. Indias Historic Battles: From Alexander the Great to Kargil, Hyderabad: Orient Black Swan Publishing, 2004.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What Helped Lincoln Free the Slaves essays

What Helped Lincoln Free the Slaves essays The Declaration of Independence was very important to President Lincoln and slaves because it was one of the many things used to helped the African Americans gain their freedom. It also helped Abraham Lincoln justify the abolition of slavery. The Declaration of Independence was helpful to many people during the antebellum period, but helped Abraham Lincoln and the slaves the most. Many people that knew him felt if anyone could eliminate slavery he would be the one. This document signed on July 4, 1776 stated that everyone human has certain inalienable rights and freedoms. Many of the rights implied in the Declaration of Independence were being denied to African Americans. For example, being unjustifiably enslaved by another, taking away ones representation, and denying ones independence to manage their own affairs were just a few. The injustice of ignoring the application of these rights to African Americans gave great support to Abraham Lincoln in eliminating slavery based on the words of our Founding Fathers. One example of some of the injustices committed in the time of slavery was represented by a statement Lincoln was quoted as saying, "There was someone murdered almost everyday thanks to slavery, but no one ha d a trial for murdering a slave." Right of a trial was one of many rights identify in the Declaration of Independence and later the Constitution to help correct for injustices committed in our society. You can say the slaves were getting the same help Lincoln was a true understanding of what the Declaration of Independence was about and how it applied to all men, not just a select few. Therefore, Abraham Lincoln needed to abolish slavery to uphold the values of the Declaration of Independence and the slaves exemplify this. Without the Declaration of Independence, President Lincoln may not have had the justification to end slavery; even winning the Civil War might've not stopped slavery. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Performance Training for the Tactical Athlete Research Paper

Performance Training for the Tactical Athlete - Research Paper Example Nonetheless, experts’ advice that there is a limit beyond which no more increase in performance can be added by any additional stimuli (American College of Sports Medicine, 2006). They argue that this threshold is vital since it signifies the importance of time duration during an exercise. These are things that competitive athletes are too much aware of and have to be taken into consideration in any given exercise (Hamilton and Luttgens, 2002). Training specificity is said to be one of the key principle of exercise physiology. The principle holds that for an athlete must focus much on training as a way of improving performance. Therefore, the training program must reflect all the demands of the athlete’s specific movements as possible. This not only applies to the neuromuscular system, but also to the movement patterns of the exercise, intensity, and duration of the exercise (Baechle and Earle, 2008). Training experts argue that training specificity helps muscles to adapt to the kind of sporting activity that an athlete is involved in. As such, many athlete trainers do this by ensuring that the training program goes slightly beyond what may be expected in the field. For instance, an athlete who participates in short distance running such as 100 meter race may be required to make a four hundred meters laps round the field so as to enable his muscles adapt effectively for a short distance running. This explains why long distance runners tend to find it easy participating in short distance races without any metal or physical problem. Specificity has also been favored because it lowers the risk of injury during the athletic period because it adapts the body to the sport (Cinea, 2007). Nevertheless, many athletes are neglecting this principle during training, which has seen many athletes getting injuries that can easily be avoided. For instance, many long distance runners fail to complete races due to their inability to endure the race. Experts note

Friday, November 1, 2019

World War I's Technological innovations and its impact on modern Essay

World War I's Technological innovations and its impact on modern warfare - Essay Example Nationalism among European countries combined with growing tension and rivalries due to industrialization has led military buildups throughout the continent. Nations became aware of their neighboring nations and in response to this tension, England, France, and Russia formed an alliance which they called "Triple Entente". This alliance was aligned in preparation against Germany who allied with Austria-Hungary. Such alliances divided Europe with strict guarded borders thus the onset of an impending World War became virtually impossible to avoid. The beginning of war in Europe started when in 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir of the throne of Austria-Hungary was assassinated. Serbia was suspected to be behind the killing. Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia but it was protected by its ally, Russia. Then Germany came to the rescue for the Austrian because they were the ally of Austrian-Hungary. Militaries from different countries came to the rescue for their respective allies and the conflict grew out of scale. In more than a month, Europe and its neighboring countries were engulfed in war. But the militaries of different nations were not perplexed. This is because each of them has their own weaponries and technology to defend themselves. British Admiral Jacky Fisher wrote in 1915 that, "The war is going to be won by inventions." Weapons never been seen before such as tanks, the zeppelin, poison gas, the airplane, the submarine, and the machine gun has nevertheless fired their way through. World War I suddenly drew upon electrical technologies that had been under development for decades. Radio has become essential for communications and its transmission of voice was developed rather than codes. Electricity also contributed on the advancement of war. Battleships or tanks, for example, did had electric signaling lamps, helm indicator, fire alarms, remote control for bulkhead doors and controlled whistles which all uses electricity. Guns and turrets and raised gun magazine ammunitions also uses electricity. Incandescent and carbon-arc searchlights became usable during nighttime navigation, long-range daytime and nighttime signaling illuminates enemy ships during night engagements. Some of the most technological advances World War I has innovated and created were meant for attack and defense. These were the following: Weapons of War: Submarines. Although they had been around for decades, submarines became powerful weapons and became potential threat to any ship that sailed in deep waters. Their torpedoes can sink any ship that would invade territorial waters and these ships have become every nation's weapons in the waters. But the use of submarines was without restrictions that in May 1915 German submarine torpedoed Lusitania, a non-combatant U.S. ship killing 1,195 people on board. From then on, allied ships and submarines were outfitted with sensitive microphones that could detect engine noise from enemy submarines and ships. They developed sonar, but its development came nearly during the end of war (Museum). Aeroplanes. Ten years before the eruption of World War I, the Wright brothers have just made a second flight of their first